Prevent Rust
We’ve all heard the phrase that states something like, ‘Guns have only two enemies, politicians and rust.’
While politicians are what I consider our greatest challenge, the only thing we can do to remedy this problem is to flush the political bowl as we need to by voting out the worst and voting in the least harmful. Don’t forget to vote every time there’s an election. We need the pro-gun vote to help us keep our rights. The Americans that wrote our constitution gave us that right, and each vote does count.
Rust is also difficult to get rid of unless we stay on top of it constantly. Here in Oklahoma we have a lot of moisture in the air most of the year — snow in the winter, humidity during the summer, and rain almost any time.
I learned a long time ago that surface rust starts in no time at all; you shoot, place your gun in its case, and head for home. By the time you get home it has started, and while you might not see it right away, it’s there. This is the point where you either clean your gun or see the corrosion start etching the metal parts. That’s what corrosion does — it eats metal.
Take those few minutes after you get home to dry, clean, and lubricate every part that needs it. If you aren’t sure if the cleaning and lubricating products you’re using are the best, check with your shooting companions, see what products they like, look at advertisements, look at the products that are sponsors of the major pro-gun organizations such as the NSSA, the NRA, or the ATA, and ask your gun’s manufacturer to suggest some products.
Remember, the process of getting new politicians takes time, but rust can be fought with a little time and the good products that are now available.
Barry Hartmann is an NSSA Master Level and NRA Certified shotgun instructor who can help you improve your skills at American Skeet and wingshooting. To contact Barry, email him at or give him a call at (918)803-2393.