Physician, Heal Thyself
This quote comes from the Book of Luke in the New Testament of The Bible.
I felt that this would be a good title for this hint as it applies indirectly to my current situation.
My skeet shooting over the last five or six years has gone to pot, and not the kind you put in high school cigarettes.
In 2012 I hurt my hand and was unable to shoot for about five or six months; my decline started around that time. I try to blame my loss of skill on that event, but I do know better.
As a Master Level Instructor, I can tell others what may be wrong with their shooting and help them resolve their problems, but I am at a loss as to fixing my own. That’s hard to admit, and it hurts my ego to do so, but there you have it.
This week I sent a message to another Master Instructor—one that I have a lot of confidence in—asking him for help.
Again, the term- “Physician, heal thyself.” I would heal myself, but it appears to be too complicated for my little brain.
I’m writing this to show you that even shooters that have or had a skill sometimes need help and that if you’re having this problem, do as I have done and contact an NSSA- or NSCA-Certified Instructor to help you. The “certification” should give you confidence in their abilities.
Stay safe,
Barry Hartmann is an NSSA Master Level and NRA Certified shotgun instructor who can help you improve your skills at American Skeet and wingshooting. To contact Barry, email him at or give him a call at (918)803-2393.