Last August, the Oklahoma Gun Club was one of the host clubs for the Zone 6 shoot. Zone 6 has gone to an electronic shoot, and each state has at least one club hosting the shoot.
Each of the three days, there were several volunteers that came and helped the shoot run smoothly. We had loaders, water bearers, lunch makers and others that were sweeping the stations between squads.
At every shoot I have attended at the Shotgun Division of the Oklahoma City Gun Club, there have been several volunteers that were guided by the chairperson of the division. Each volunteer is given clear instructions as to what task they are to perform and when they are to perform their assigned tasks.
It’s well run, and without these volunteers, the shooters would not have as great a shoot.
The next time your club is having a shoot, whether it’s skeet, trap, 5-stand, sporting clays or any others, ask if you can help. Your service will be appreciated.
Stay safe,
Barry Hartmann
Barry Hartmann is an NSSA Master Level and NRA Certified shotgun instructor who teaches American skeet and wingshooting. You can contact Barry at threeat8@aol.com or 918-803-2393.