Watching Watching better shooters execute their shots When you're attending registered shoots, watch the shooters that consistently shoot 'the scores' that put them in the winners' circle. By watching how they shoot their particular shots you can compare them and see what they might be doing to shoot shots you may not hit consistently or ones that you want to hit in a different way. Many years ago, Steve Tucker, a gentleman I used to shoot with, became an excellent skeet doubles shooter. He was already a 'AAA' class shooter in doubles as well as regular skeet, but he wanted … [Read more...]
Hartmann’s Hint #17: The Turn
The Turn In skeet shooting, and to a lesser degree in trap shooting, the turn you make toward the target is what will allow you to hit the targets with more regularity. The turn is how we place our bodies in the correct position to take the shot at the proper time and place so as to have room to follow through after the shot is taken. In skeet, the turn is made using the larger muscles of your body, the 'glutes' and leg muscles. A good turn only uses the upper body to hold the shotgun and see the target, and the upper body only turns when the lower body turns. If you watch … [Read more...]
Hartmann’s Hint #14: Unfamiliar Venues
Unfamiliar Venues Shooting skeet at different venues. We shoot skeet at the Tulsa Gun Club. We almost always shoot on a particular field. We know which tree we need to have our guns pointed at in order to ensure that we have a good hold point. We use the distance marker on one of the adjacent fields to make sure we have a good hold point for high 2 or low 6. We use the white box that frames the high house window to identify our hold point for high or low 8. We use the fences adjacent to the high and low houses for our hold points on stations 1 and 7. We try to use the trap … [Read more...]
Hartmann’s Hint #13: Peeking
Peeking Peeking is something we avoided doing when we were young and playing 'Hide and seek.' We learned to not peek at the answers when we were taking tests in school or to not peek at the answers that others were writing on their tests. Peeking was a way of cheating, we wanted to be fair and we avoided it. "What's all this have to do with shooting?" you ask. We, as shooters, must also avoid 'peeking' if we want our scores to meet our expectations. Peeking is where we look somewhere other than where we should be looking during the execution of a shot. In shotgun … [Read more...]
Hartmann’s Hint #12: Get Involved in Your Club
Get Involved In Your Gun Club You go to the club, shoot a little, visit with some of your shooting companions and have a pretty good time. The club house is usually comfortable, depending on the season. There are tables and chairs where you can settle in for a little R&R. The restrooms are pretty clean, too. The green areas are normally mowed, the machines are usually throwing good targets, and it's a generally nice place to shoot. The reason these conditions exist is that the club has a Board of Directors, a manager, and members who volunteer their time to keep the … [Read more...]